4 990 Ft
This acronym means: “municipal trade joint stock company” but nobody really knows its original meaning just keeps saying: “I pop in to közért, do you want anything?” There were 358 stores in Budapest thus its logo became an important part of the cityscape.
Size 13 x 18 cm
Disclaimer: Posters are delivered with frame. Colors of the products might be seen differently from the pictures as the color settings vary screen by screen. The result of risograph printing technology is that every handcrafted poster is unique, therefore they can slightly differ from the product photos.
This acronym means: “municipal trade joint stock company” but nobody really knows its original meaning just keeps saying: “I pop in to közért, do you want anything?” There were 358 stores in Budapest thus its logo became an important part of the cityscape.
Size 13 x 18 cm
Disclaimer: Posters are delivered with frame. Colors of the products might be seen differently from the pictures as the color settings vary screen by screen. The result of risograph printing technology is that every handcrafted poster is unique, therefore they can slightly differ from the product photos.